Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; App has a deprecated constructor in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 32 Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; GameObject has a deprecated constructor in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 3 pikselbacteria - feed, breed and culture pixel bacterias in this augmented reality games - where piksel bacteria are eating 'reality' pixels

pixelsummer >
Yummy, stupid car-tanks. Are we in war? >
Pikselbacteria gnawing on a merlin handheld from the 70ies >
the human pikselbacteria-race >
Kunsthaus Zurich >
 i like winter >
edinburgh ... >
Feed me a QR-Tag >
der himmel "uber" berlin ist voller hotspots >
haesslich, haesslicher der neu berlin hauptbahnhof >
gefraessige monster unter sich - ubs am paradeplatz >
microsoft meets its own viirus... >
master of design zhdk where do you go? >
kunstmäzene und ihre hoffnung dass die kunst abstrahlt .... nzz >
james joyce and the shjl in ulysses >
dianas herbarium living on the edge >
full color planet under attack >
bacteria attacs! in washington! >
pixels are eating the obelisk in washhmmm >
white house in washington is beeing eaten by pixel bacteria >
house of congress is beeing eaten by pixelbacterias >
arc cafe in neuchatel >
imomo in action >
neuchatel in action >
schnarchfeld seefeld zuerich >
citywalk with the pixel bacteria at " Literatur und Strom" in Stuttgart >
piksels eater on priniger and the round pixels of the artwork mitten ("Hinsberg") at exhibition "rasterfahndung" in stuttgart >
mohn und piringer - zwei lautartisten auf einer bühne >
joerg piringers letters are going crazy >
zhdk im toniareal .. >
power pole under construction >
3dprinting? Eating moswitzers white noise >
what a bad portrait >
There is no future in the worlds dreaming >
mampf ... mapmpf >
In the land of 70ies mushrooms >
Funny, horizontal lines >
Max denkt nach ueber DDA >
augmented reality session infected >
Zuerich - the heart of darkness >
We like USM, we eat it! >
Up there in the sky! >
augmented reality is everywhere! >
Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart? Nein Stadtbibliothek! >
classics ... >
Strange ... >
PikselBacteria feeding the relatives of GameOfLife >
PBs eats Star Wars >
it nevers rains in google earth >
In the land of apple >
They love cables >
es ist grün da draussen >
Pixels on parrot-landing >



pixelsummer >

Yummy, stupid car-tanks. Are we in war? >

Pikselbacteria gnawing on a merlin handheld from the 70ies >

the human pikselbacteria-race >

Kunsthaus Zurich >

i like winter >

edinburgh ... >

Feed me a QR-Tag >

der himmel "uber" berlin ist voller hotspots >

haesslich, haesslicher der neu berlin hauptbahnhof >

gefraessige monster unter sich - ubs am paradeplatz >

microsoft meets its own viirus... >

master of design zhdk where do you go? >

kunstmäzene und ihre hoffnung dass die kunst abstrahlt .... nzz >

james joyce and the shjl in ulysses >

dianas herbarium living on the edge >

full color planet under attack >

bacteria attacs! in washington! >

pixels are eating the obelisk in washhmmm >

white house in washington is beeing eaten by pixel bacteria >

house of congress is beeing eaten by pixelbacterias >

arc cafe in neuchatel >

imomo in action >

neuchatel in action >

schnarchfeld seefeld zuerich >

citywalk with the pixel bacteria at " Literatur und Strom" in Stuttgart >

piksels eater on priniger and the round pixels of the artwork mitten ("Hinsberg") at exhibition "rasterfahndung" in stuttgart >

mohn und piringer - zwei lautartisten auf einer bühne >

joerg piringers letters are going crazy >

zhdk im toniareal .. >

power pole under construction >

3dprinting? Eating moswitzers white noise >

what a bad portrait >

There is no future in the worlds dreaming >

mampf ... mapmpf >

In the land of 70ies mushrooms >

Funny, horizontal lines >

Max denkt nach ueber DDA >

augmented reality session infected >

Zuerich - the heart of darkness >

We like USM, we eat it! >

Up there in the sky! >

augmented reality is everywhere! >

Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart? Nein Stadtbibliothek! >

classics ... >

Strange ... >

PikselBacteria feeding the relatives of GameOfLife >

PBs eats Star Wars >

it nevers rains in google earth >

In the land of apple >

They love cables >

es ist grün da draussen >

Pixels on parrot-landing >

Behind the scene...

PikselBacteria is an augmented reality game for iPhone/iPad. It focuses on the bacterium pikselum. The bacterium was discovered in 1985 in the USSR by the scientist Lars Rodkov. He first thought he found a glitch in a bootleg of river raid (an atari 2600 game). But then he discovered, that it was a bacterium living in displays. PikselBacteria are feeding on pixel-edges. They are very rare. Therefore Rodkov developed an attractor to approach and cultivate these bacteria.

Based on his research, And-or developed a game in which you may grow these short-lived bacteria with your camera.

You breed the short-lived bacteria with your camera. Give them food by taking them to an edge and start moving the camera along this edge - and the bacteria will breed instantly and take you to the edge.

Gain research points in growing the bacteria as long as you can! Your highscore shows that you are an avid researcher and observer. Press the icon in the lower right corner of the display and send a picture of the sighted bacteria to the website! Or store it in your photo album for proof.

PikselBacteria allows us to see a new world; perceive reality with different eyes. It is a world, where borders and edges are important. Reality will be decontextualised (no more old objects) and recontextualised (only shapes or edges matter). You may discover reality in a new and different way. Try it out, when you wait for your train or use public transportation and dive into the edged world.

PikselBacteria is also a comment on the augmented reality scene. Augmented reality is a technic to overwrite our normal reality. One day, dictators will be able to walk across our planet with augmented reality goggles and say: "I do not see any poverty." They may even walk straight through shanty towns and favelas and say: "I do not see any suffering." And in a peculiar way, they may be right: Augmented reality will remove all the ugliness and unfairness from our view and create a brave new world.

more >


PikselBacteria - Augmented Reality Game - feed, breed and culture these bacteria.we don't need anymore potemkin villages for a general. now we have augmented reality.

PikselBacteria is an augmented reality game for iPhone/iPad. It focuses on the bacterium pikselum. The bacterium was discovered in 1985 in the USSR by the scientist Lars Rodkov. He first thought he found a glitch in a bootleg of river raid (an atari 2600 game). But then he discovered, that it was a bacterium living in displays. PikselBacteria are feeding on pixel-edges. They are very rare. Therefore Rodkov developed an attractor to approach and cultivate these bacteria. Based on his research, And-or developed a game in which you may grow these short-lived bacteria with your camera. You breed the short-lived bacteria with your camera. Give them food by taking them to an edge and start moving the camera along this edge - and the bacteria will breed instantly and take you to the edge. Gain research points in growing the bacteria as long as you can! Your highscore shows that you are an avid researcher and observer. Press the icon in the lower right corner of the display and send a picture of the sighted bacteria to the website! Or store it in your photo album for proof. PikselBacteria allows us to see a new world; perceive reality with different eyes. It is a world, where borders and edges are important. Reality will be decontextualised (no more old objects) and recontextualised (only shapes or edges matter). You may discover reality in a new and different way. Try it out, when you wait for your train or use public transportation and dive into the edged world. PikselBacteria is also a comment on the augmented reality scene. Augmented reality is a technic to overwrite our normal reality. One day, dictators will be able to walk across our planet with augmented reality goggles and say: "I do not see any poverty." They may even walk straight through shanty towns and favelas and say: "I do not see any suffering." And in a peculiar way, they may be right: Augmented reality will remove all the ugliness and unfairness from our view and create a brave new world.